12 warwickshire stockton & broadwell

2 min read


■Distance: 6 miles/9.5km ■Time: 3 hours ■Grade: Easy


This interesting walk follows paths, bridleways and the towpath of the Grand Union Canal. The waterway is now tranquil but in the past there were busy wharves serving industrial cement works and smoking lime kilns. Several features remain and an old canal arm has recently been restored. There’s boat building and a photogenic flight of locks. The route passes through Broadwell with its large green, tiny church and 17th century blacksmith’s forge.

The lock flight looks like a pack of dominoes as it climbs the hill towards Stockton.

1 Start

From Stockton village hall, walk towards sports pitches and head towards gap in far corner. Walk along hedge to kissing gate and turn L at lane. Take first gate/gap on R and veer L over field to hedge, where path crosses culvert to turn R, with next hedge on L. Go through next gap and walk ahead to pass through pair of small gates.

Cross next field to kissing gate, barns on R. Turn L on track and turn R at lane.

2 1¼ miles/1.7km

Just before house on L, go through gate onto bridleway in field.

Keep ahead to small gate by bushes and walk on between tall dark hedges. Cross canal bridge, cross lane and take small gate in to next field, with hedge on R.

Go through farm gate, cross field to small gate in hedge and go L around field edge, with tall hedge on L.

Turn L at large gap and walk ahead.

Go R through gap and bear L over field to footbridge at dense hedge; cross field to large gap and go R on field edge, now with tall hedge on R. Head towards large stone house, turn L and take small gate on R. Cross paddock to gate at lane and turn L into Broadwell with cottages on R. Keep ahead at junction and turn L on first path/track at Fairview.


Start/parking Roadside parking next to the village hall in Stockton, grid ref SP439638, postcode CV47 8AD Is it for me?

Easy level walking through fields and along canal towpath Stiles 9

Nearest town Southam Refreshments Three pubs on the walk – two of them right next to the canal Public toilets None Public transport Nearest station Leamington Spa with regular Stagecoach bus no 63

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