06 kent lyminge & folkestone downs

2 min read



■Distance: 12⅓ miles/19.9km ■Time: 6 hours ■Grade: Challenging

Looking south-west to Summerhouse and Tolsford Hills from the downs above Etchinghill.

The crumpled scarp of Kent’s North Downs has been a natural highway for millennia.

Trailing the brow of these chalk hills, above the smoother folds of the Elham Valley, you can have your fill of terrific views: over the Weald and Romney Marsh, and across Folkestone to the English Channel.

The return leg passes the Cat & Custard Pot at Paddlesworth, formerly The Red Lion, a favourite watering hole of fighter pilots from nearby RAF Hawkinge during the Battle of Britain.

1 Start

Cross main road from car park, turn R. Opposite village store, turn L for Kimberley/ Wesley Terrace. Pick up paved path, cross playing field (Elham Valley Way), over footbridge, to road near St Ethelburga’s Well. R to Coach & Horses pub. L up Church Road, through churchyard, past war memorial, out via gate at far side, R down to road. L up Woodland Road. Before Palm Tree Way, turn L up enclosed path, over stiles, then out across fields to lane. Cross, follow path down slope to Little Hollow Farm, over drive, then across field to lane. Turn L. In 150m, take footpath L, down along field edge, through kissing gate, then straight up slope, curving R towards bungalows. Locate gate, follow drive to road. Go R then L to Farthing Common.


Start/parking Free Lyminge library car park, grid ref TR164410, CT18 8HS.

Or Farthing Common, grid ref TR136403 (Pt 2) Is it for me?

A full day’s walk, several ups/downs, mostly field paths, lanes, bridle tracks, waymarked North Downs Way.

Parts prone to winter mud and summer overgrowth Stiles 9


Nearest town Folkestone Refreshments Coffee shop and Coach &

Horses pub (01303 901011) in Lyminge; The Cat &

Custard Pot, Paddlesworth (01303 892205, currently drinks only) Public toilets At start Public transport Bus 17 Folkestone–Canterbury to start (Mon–Fri, stagecoachbus.com) Maps OS Explorer 138; Landranger 179


2 2⅓ miles/3.7km

Follow North Downs Way (NDW) L for Postling, along field edge, down dry valley, under power lines, L up scarp, then R along fence, past beacon to bench above Postling. L through gate, along field edge, down ac

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