02 somerset oakhill

2 min read


■Distance: 8 miles/12.8km ■Time: 4 hours ■Grade: Moderate

Fosse Way, between Points 1 and 2.


East Mendip often takes second place to West Mendip with its tourist honeypots. In the East, however, are some excellent walks that explore a more workaday and uncommercial landscape. Starting from Oakhill, a former centre of brewing, this walk follows a section of the Fosse Way up to Beacon Hill, at 970ft above sea level the highest point in East Mendip. Pleasant undulating countryside brings the walk to Maesbury Castle, a remote hillfort with a spectacular 360° view. Among other landmarks, look out for Glastonbury Tor and Wells Cathedral.

Walk back to Bath Road, turn R and then first L by Oakhill Inn signposted to Leigh on Mendip. In 540m, by Foss Toll Cottage, turn R onto Fosse Way, and follow this unmetalled track uphill for 1.2km to Old Frome Road. Turn R for 90m, before turning L into Beacon Hill Wood. Follow winding track ahead through woodland and downhill for 600m to its junction with Yellingmill Lane. Turn R for 400m, passing farm on L along the way, before following footpath at top of steps on L.

Cross to far R corner of field ahead, and climb stone slab stile in R field boundary. Beyond this stile, follow L edge of field ahead to stone stile on far side of field and, in third field, head across to stile beyond Yewtree Farm. Beyond this stile, turn L to pass through gateway, before turning R and following R edges of 2 fields to reach A37 by former Downside Inn. Follow track opposite just to L of former inn’s carpark to gate, before following R edge of field ahead along to Southview Farm. Pass through gateway and cross farmyard, before following L edges of 2 fields to reach lane.

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