To catch a thief

3 min read

Laura becomes a statistic in the epidemic of stolen bikes


Illustration Harry Tennant

Do you ever get that sinking feeling when you return to your bike, momentarily believing it gone, only to realise, thank goodness, it’s still there?

No-one could blame you for fearing the worst: notes in 2022/23 an eye-watering 77,313 cycles were reported stolen in the UK – which is one every seven minutes. estimates 71% of victims didn’t report the theft. A little more than three quarters of us believe police are ineffective at catching thieves and returning bikes to owners; and we’d be right. 90% of police cases are closed without a suspect being identified, and just 1.7% result in someone being charged.

At the start of the year I became one of those statistics when my year-old hybrid was stolen from a pedestrianised area in central London. It was broad daylight, so seeing my lock cut open on the ground next to the bike rack puzzled me for a moment. CCTV, retrieved later from a nearby office building, revealed three men took just two minutes to arrive with the angle grinder, cut through the lock, and leave with my bike. Even reporting the theft, with frame number, to the Met Police, BikeRegister, the website Stolen Ride and anywhere else I could think of, it’s extremely unlikely I’ll get it back. The thieves will have sold the bike within hours, to an unsuspecting member of the public who believes they’ve bought a like-new shiny magenta Trek hybrid for a steal – which they in fact have.

I contacted Titus Halliwell, the national police lead for cycle crime, to talk through what’s happening to stop the scourge of cycle theft. He explains two key barriers to getting more people cycling are road safety fears and fear of theft. That’s why, as part of plans to grow cycling in the capital, two police divisions were set up to tackle those fears. And because it’s so hard to catch cycle thieves once a bike is stolen, they want to stop it happening in the first place. The Met Police’s Cycle Taskforce focused on four e’s: enforcement, education, engineering and engagement, so as well as catching thieves, they encourage the public to security mark their bikes, register frame numbers and buy a decent lock. Then it’s about things such as ensuring there’s secure cycle parking available where it’s needed.

It’s not an easy crime to tackle: every year an estimated million bikes are sold in the UK and yet just 1.2m mach

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