Dr hutch

3 min read

While sipping a carelessly crafted latte, the Doc ponders the unyielding alliance between cycling and coffee

I was sitting in a cafe not long since, sitting in a companionable silence with my friend Bernard. Old hostilities were forgotten, but not to worry, there were new hostilities about to break out. Our drinks arrived. Mine, a flat white. Bernard’s, a pot of tea.

We drank. I pulled a face and complained that my coffee was badly extracted and had an unpleasant hollowness that shone through despite the milk, which had been a little overheated in the steaming. A lso, the latte-art on the top of it was lopsided.

“How ’s your tea?” I asked Bernie.

“It’s tea,” he said. “It’s fine. It’s always going to be fine because it’s, you know, tea. Look, I put a bit of milk in, I pour the tea and, hey look, a delicious drink providing me with literally nothing to complain about. And in a few minutes, when I’ve finished my tea, I can pour some more out of the pot and enjoy a second cup that will be even nicer than the first because by that point you’ll have finished your coffee and you’ll be a bit sad.”


I suspect that you can divide cyclists into personality types around coffee. Coffee and cycling are more closely linked than they really have any business being. There are lots of reasons, each less rational than the one before.

Let’s start with cycling /coffee culture. We’re in thrall to the Italians, basically. They are still the stylish nation as far as cycling is concerned. Way back in the 1950s, when road racing started up again in the UK after 50 years of being banned, the new breed of road racers went to espresso bars because they wanted to be Fausto Coppi. Old-fashioned club men went to tea rooms because they wanted to be A lbert Derbyshire.

These days, from a culture point of view, a decent coffee might be expensive, but it’s still a cheaper way to offer homage to Italian cycling culture than buying anything made by Campagnolo.

Other sports have culturally important drinks. Rugby and beer. Darts and beer. Snooker and beer. Fishing and beer. Bowls and beer. Clearly cycling and alcohol would be problematic, so we need a psychoactive drink that isn’t dangerous.

Bernard's got tea... but very little sympathy
Photos Shutterstock and Getty Images

It’s also a performance enhancer (more so than some of Campag’s recent work), and when you look at the time, hassle and illegality bike riders have put up with over the years to get hold of such things, you can see why we might get excited about finding one at the local gardencentre cafe.

But there is a deeper reason for the connection. Let’s examine a few of the things that might attract some cyclists to coffee. There is straight-up nerder y – you can easily learn to taste t

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