How i plan to take on 300 kilometres in the swiss mountains

1 min read

Tom Wieckowski has been preparing for the Chasing Cancellara Bern-Zermatt ride, his hardest ever bike ride

The Bern to Zermatt edition of the Chasing Cancellara seriesfounded by Classics king Fabian Cancellara – is 300 kilometres long and contains 5,000 metres of climbing. In just over a fortnight I’ll be tackling the route.


I like a challenge, riding consecutive Fred Whittons was a proud moment but the Bern-Zermatt course takes things to a new level; I’ve never ridden as far or climbed as much before. The ride starts at 2am so I’ll need to ride through the dark for the first few hours. There’s no drafting allowed after 35km, and the ride ends with about a 30km climb!

The MyWhoosh training app is the perfect companion for the long-distance rider

MyWhoosh workouts

Our toddler keeps me busy and I jump on the indoor trainer when I can, the same as lots of other time-crunched cyclists. The free cycling app MyWhoosh has plenty of workouts to complete. You can also race and win money on the app but that’s another story.

Training for this challenge has seen me doing some easier Zone 2 rides on the trainer, whilst using Saturdays to fit in longer and more intense rides out on the road.

I got in touch with MyWhoosh head coach and elite e-racer Zach Nehr, the man responsible for curating

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