Mabon magick!

5 min read


As we look forward to the autumn equinox on 23 September, it’s time to practise some spiritual self-care…

The wheel of the year has turned again and we find ourselves saying goodbye to summer and hello to autumn!

The autumn equinox, which takes place on 23 September, is celebrated in the Pagan community with the festival of Mabon.

The equinox is a moment of slowing down, when we can both celebrate the fruits of the goals and intentions we set ourselves at the beginning of the year, and also feel proud of what we’ve ‘grown’ in our lives.

Fancy a handy guide as you celebrate Mabon? Introducing Seasons of the Witch: Mabon Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz (Rockpool Publishing, £19.99).

Beautifully illustrated by Tijana Lukovic, the dark, rich images on the cards perfectly capture the warmth and cosiness of autumn. The deck and its messages will be useful throughout the year.

‘When we started work on this deck, we felt the need to prioritise spiritual self-care,’ Lorraine and Juliet explain. ‘Specifically, care around establishing boundaries, surrendering to changes and letting go of what no longer serves.

‘As you work with this deck, it is our hope that you can find the space to clear your blocks and experience all of the joy, success and abundance that’s available to you.

‘Let these cards guide you to find a new perspective and seek the things that bring you happiness.’

What to do…

Take a few calming breaths, then call to mind a question. If you’re reading this in the morning, you could ask, ‘What do I need to know today?’ If at night, you might ask a more reflective question like, ‘What is one thing I can take away from today?’ When you’re ready, turn a soft gaze on the card images opposite. Which image are you drawn to? Turn the page to discover your chosen card’s message…


KEYWORDS: Temperance, balance, renewal.

MINI MESSAGE: Nothing is whole without the acceptance and acknowledgement of all.

Where might you be experiencing imbalance within your life? Are you living life to the extreme? Or are there areas you’ve overlooked, such as time off, rest, seeing friends, creative expression, new experiences, cleaning your space — even being your best self at work?

If you’ve been in a period of extreme action, it’s time to enter a phase of rest and renewal. On the other hand, if you’ve felt stagnant or lazy, this card is your sign to renew your motivation so nothing else falls through the cracks.


KEYWORDS: Storytelling, advice,‘moral of the tale’.

MINI MESSAGE: Don’t fear opening your mouth and allowing your tongue to speak.

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