Seeing is believing

3 min read

The trauma of my dad’s death brought about my gift.

Me with Dad

Sitting in my bedroom, I typed words I could barely get my head around.

Won’t be in school tomorrow, I explained to my friends. The police have just been to tell me my dad’s died.

My dad, ex-footballer and former Greenock Morton captain, John Boag, had died suddenly aged just 41.

I was 14.

As I typed, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck sprint up, and the energy in the room suddenly went icy cold.

Behind me, I felt eyes boring into me. I turned slowly to look over my left shoulder, and there he was… My dad.

He was standing there, real as anything, between the TV and my bunk bed.

He looked at me and smiled. ‘Son, it’s important for you to know that it’s OK for me to go. I love you. You need to look after your mum,’ he said, his voice washing over me like a wave.

Then he vanished into a point of light. I was stunned but, oddly, not scared.

I didn’t tell my mum as she was swallowed up by grief.

But not long after, I was out at the shops with my gran.

As she chatted to an old friend, I watched her ignore the elderly man who was standing, smoking, beside her pal.

‘You shouldn’t have ignored your friend’s husband,’ I said when we walked away.’

‘What are you talking about, son?’ Gran asked. ‘He’s been dead for years.’ I soon began seeing Spirit everywhere.

I was in an English class when I saw a woman trying to get the teacher’s attention.

The woman caught my eye and realised I could see her. ‘I’m her sister,’ she said, rushing towards me. ‘Tell her I’m here.’

‘Go away,’ I hissed, trying to work.

‘Dominic, stop talking,’ the teacher huffed.

I could barely tell her I was batting away her long-departed twin!

For months, I kept the secret to myself, but then Mum visited a spiritualist church.

When she came home, she sat me down.

‘Do you have anything to tell me?’ she asked.

The woman at the church had spoken with Dad, and he’d spilled the beans about my gift!

Finally telling Mum the truth, she asked me to visit the church and be taken under the wing of the psychic medium.

I had no idea what to expect, and I was the youngest person there by four decades — but the kind woman taught me how to harness what I was seeing.

I visited her circle three nights a week for two years.

By then, Spirit was so strong for me that I began delivering messages.

‘Could you do me a reading?’ someone asked. Then, someone else. Soon, I was inundated.

By 16, I’d finish school and was being driven around Scotland giving re