How to trust your tarot

2 min read

A visit from... Richard Knight

Richard Knight, one of the world’s best tarot readers, reveals the easy way to develop your intuition and connect deeply with the tarot

This month’s guest columnist

We all have this amazing superpower that guides us through our lives, if we know how to tune in and trust it. The messages from our intuition are often received effortlessly and spontaneously without any conscious effort, but sometimes our intuition muscle needs exercising and training.

Here are three simple steps you can take every day to get it back into shape…

Recognise that you are an intuitive being

It sounds simple, but many of us have stopped listening to our internal guiding voice. So from this moment on, acknowledge that you are going through life with this amazing sixth sense.

Make time to listen to it, and allow yourself to trust it. Try using a daily affirmation such as: ‘I believe in and trust my inner wisdom, and will allow it to guide me through life.’

Stop, look and listen

Several times a day, pause and ask yourself: What am I seeing? What am I hearing?

What am I feeling?

This is particularly useful when you’ve met someone new or visited a new place. Close your eyes and be aware of any images, sounds and emotions that come up.

Look out for physical sensations as well.

Our bodies will often acknowledge our intuitive messages before we are consciously aware of them. The stomach is often referred to as the second brain, so if you feel butterflies — pay attention!

Write it down

Recording our thoughts, feelings and intuitive impressions, then exploring them from a distance and recognising patterns, helps hugely in understanding how our psychic self wants to communicate with us.


At the top of a page, write down a question about your life that you want insight into, such as: Should I leave my job and start my own business? And then do nothing. By writing the question down, you’ve set an intention for your intuition and you’ll find that insights come to you over the next few days like pieces in a psychic jigsaw.

Remember to write them down in your journal. Don’t be impatient, just let it happen. It should be effortless.

Richard Knight is considered to be ‘the world’s best tarot reader’ and now devotes his life to sharing his knowledge with tarot students on a global scale. Find out more about Richard at or follow him on Facebo

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