The witch that makes you rich!

2 min read

Need some money to come your way? Each month, author and world-renowned witch, Rachel Patterson, will cast a spell to boost your luck and prosperity

Photos: Getty/Shutterstock

There are symbols and signs all around us in the natural and technological world. Geometric symbols and shapes can be found in plants and trees and all over buildings. But have you ever considered working some money-making magic with these symbols?

Some of them, such as the pound sign, might seem obvious, however, there are others that can help you bring in just as much cash.

In fact, simple symbols that can be drawn in all sorts of places can raise the magical energy needed to bring about prosperity, abundance and wealth.

Think about the symbols that you use and see regularly and how they can work in your every day life to keep that money rolling in.

What symbols do you associate with money? Let’s look at some of the obvious ones and perhaps a few less familiar. All of these can be drawn invisibly with your finger in the air or on a door or wall. They can all be used in magical workings to symbolise money, drawn with a pen, pencil or paintbrush.

Simple symbols that bring in money

Why not try writing them inside your purse or wallet. When you’re out and about you could also try creating these symbols on your doorstep or pathway with soil or sand.

● Pound sign — perhaps the most obvious, it represents cash and keeping it rolling that money rolling in.

● Dollar or Euro sign — other familiar ones that are all about cold hard cash.

● Numbers — if you need a specific amount of money, use numbers to represent the amount you need.

● Infinity — this figure 8 on its side creates never ending energy

● Zodiac signs — these represent prosperity and abundance: Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Leo

● Four-leaf clover — bringing luck your way

What you will NEED

● Sheet of paper

● Pen

● Envelope


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