May day magic

5 min read


Looking for inspiration, guidance and healing this Beltane? The answers you seek might just be crystal clear…

1st May marks Beltane, a traditional Gaelic fire festival that celebrates fertility and the coming summer.

Even if you’re not planning on attending a Beltane bonfire this year, you may still like to work with some Beltane-friendly crystals around May Day.

How about carrying some protective, cleansing and energising clear quartz in your bra, or popping some rose quartz (associated with love and fertility) in a rejuvenating Beltane crystal bath? Or you might like to meditate with green aventurine for positivity and good luck?

Crystals aren’t just for Beltane, of course. Spiritual experts recommend turning to our friends in the mineral kingdom for support and guidance year round, whenever you need a little extra support.

That’s why this month we’re loving the Crystal Clear Oracle by Nadine Gordon-Taylor (RRP £25, Inner Traditions/Bear and Company).

‘One doesn’t have to be a shaman to connect with crystals,’ says Nadine, the deck’s creator. ‘You can communicate with them too!

‘The more you work with them the more sensitive you become.

‘W hether you hold an actual crystal in your hands or view an image of it, you connect with its intelligence. Start by giving it attention. Close your eyes, touch its surface, and breathe slowly. Soon you will experience your own “mind-meld”.

Nadine says that the cards in her latest deck provide an open channel to your personal intuitive portal — and that the messages in the guidebook come directly from the crystals that appear in each image.

‘They act as guides explaining their qualities, and properties and then assist you in understanding and decoding the other symbols that have accompanied them,’ she says.

‘When you select cards from this deck, you summon their energy and very much need to hear what they have to say.’

Fancy giving it a go? Read on!


Empowerment, Healing, and Letting Go You want to release old, negative programming. Look at past situations with a new perspective.

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