Texas the psychic horse

2 min read

Want to know what your pet is thinking? Texas can tell you with the help of animal communicator Holly Davis

Is she HAPPY?

Kizzy, our rescue Yorkie, was found roaming the city streets. We know nothing of her past or even how old she is. She had overgrown hair when we first got her and lots of health problems.

She’s a nervy little thing, but is very bonded to me, and we’d do anything to make her comfortable. Do you think she’s happy with us now and does she think of her past?

Texas says:

Little Kizzy feels a huge amount of gratitude towards you. Inwardly, she is still a very frightened girl, but she knows how lucky she is to have you and thinks she wouldn’t be here at all if it wasn’t for you. Previously, she believed herself to be worthless, as this is how she’d been treated. It might be worth getting her some coats if she doesn’t have any, as being wrapped up makes her feel emotionally comforted.

Dawn and Kizzy

Dawn says:

Wow, I love this! I hadn’t thought that about the coats, but she has an abundance of jackets of different thicknesses, so that isn’t a problem. I also always cover her up at night in bed as I think she likes that. Thank you, Texas!

Does he need a FRIEND?

Our lovely girl Gizmo had to be put to sleep last year. We were devastated. Our other cat Kepple misses her very much. I wonder, does Gizmo contact him? Does she console him and explain what happened? We are thinking of adopting two kittens, but does Kepple need more time to grieve?

Texas says: Kepple is struggling now that he doesn’t have Gizmo to hide behind. He always looked to her for courage and to stop him feeling alone. Gizmo couldn’t stay —she tells me she can ‘be around

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