Walking on sunshine!

5 min read


Awaken magic in your life this month – with the help of some witchy wisdom…

While the UK weather is notoriously unpredictable, moving into July should mean that Summer is in full swing.

The Astronomical Summer officially began on 20 June with the Summer Solstice — also known as Litha, one of eight ‘sabbats’ on the Wiccan ‘W heel of the Year’.

This yearly cycle of holidays celebrates the Earth’s journey around the sun and marks the beginning and peak of each of the four seasons of the Northern Hemisphere.

Wiccan and Pagan practitioners say that tuning into these seasonal changes — and reflecting on how they are mirrored in your own life — can be a rewarding spiritual experience.

While the winter solstice or ‘Yule’ is a time to turn inwards and reflect on the ‘shadow self’ for example, the summer solstice emphasises abundance, and the interconnectedness of all living things.

All sounding a bit… complicated? It needn’t be. In fact, we’ve got the perfect way for you to dip your toe into the witchy waters.

The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot is authored by witch (and lawyer) Phyllis Currott. The deck’s Illustrator, Danielle Barlow, is also a practicing hedgewitch.

‘You don’t have to be a witch to benefit from Witches Wisdom,’ insists Phyllis. ‘Magic is an essential part of who we are. But sometimes we doubt ourselves. We doubt that magic is real. We doubt that the world is charged through with divinity. We need a mirror to see clearly, a spell to clear the way, a guide to help us find our way.

‘We need divination, Witch or not. Divination is magic in action. And one of the best divination tools is the Tarot.’

‘The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot is a magic mirror. Look into it and it will show you who you are — and who you can be…’


Wisdom: Among blooming red roses, a lion waits to offer medicine that will transform your life. Strength is not just shown by feats of courage or acts of violence. It takes strength to be a compassionate guardian who nurtures and protects with quiet, determined integrity.

Essence: Conviction

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