How to play cheaper golf

5 min read

With the cost of living rising markedly, we look at how you can save money on green fees to keep playing more of the game you love

There are various ways to play even our premier golf courses for less
Photography Getty Images

Golf doesn’t have to be expensive. It can be, of course, and just as with all the best things in life, the very best golf courses tend to cost the most, especially when they sit the comfortable side of the supply and demand equation. However, there are ways to enjoy the experience for less…


Let’s start at the top with some of the very best courses that many golfers want to experience at least occasionally. If you’re prepared to play out of season, the savings can be considerable. Many will offer reduced rates for winter play, and an increasing number also now offer a shoulder-season rate for the months immediately either side of the peak playing season.

True, the courses might not be in peak summer condition, but links layouts offer drier conditions underfoot than at most inland courses off-season, and, on a fine day, a thoroughly enjoyable golfing experience at a great price.

At Muirfield, for example, 18 holes will currently set you back £340 compared to £150 from November 2024 to February 2025. Away from the Top 100, most other courses also now offer reduced winter rates.


Just as playing outside peak season can bring savings, so too can playing later in the day. It seems that late-in-the-day tee times are less appealing to many club members, creating capacity that golf clubs are keen to fill even if they have to lower the price.

At most clubs, the first twilight times will still comfortably allow you to get a full round in, and playing as the sun descends can be a fantastic experience. If you were able and willing to only ever play during twilight hours, you could almost certainly save 50% on your green fees throughout the year if you were to shop around!


There is an increasing trend among clubs to offer lower per-person green fees depending on the number playing – so rates for three-balls and four-balls will be less per person than for a two-ball or a single. So, a good way to save a few bob might simply be to find more people to play with – more company, more fun and more to spend on post-round drinks.

This is a win-win scenario for both golfers and golf clubs – a tee time is a tee time regardless of how many are playing, and it is financially more beneficial for clubs to have three or four people paying a discounted rate than one person paying the full rate.


If you are a full playing member of a club in certain parts of the UK you will be able to acquire a county card for either a nominal amount (for example, certain English counties) or increasingly even free as