24 hours in the cotswolds

4 min read

Thanks to its picture-perfect villages, abundance of delis, food halls, pubs and restaurants, it’s no wonder that the Cotswolds is a firm favourite with foodies from far and wide, as Laura Coppock discovers…

Quintessentially English countryside with a sprinkling of chocolate box cottages are the hallmarks of the Cotswolds. It’s a classic food-lovers destination for fans of British cuisine, and rightly so. Personally, I’d had little experience of the area, and drove there with images of the film The Holiday in my mind – and I’m pleased to report that the scenery didn’t disappoint! More importantly, nor did the food. The region absolutely lived up to its reputation for fine produce, myriad of elegant dining options and chic accommodation.

All fired up

My first stop was Upton Smokery farm shop in Burford. Located just off the A40, it was a handy location as I’d been driving for nearly three hours and my stomach was telling me it’s lunchtime. What a treat it was to stop here. Firstly, the aroma drifting from the smokery is mouth-watering. Once inside, it’s smoked fish, meats and biltong galore – along with seasonings, cheeses, freshly baked breads, fresh produce and more. It was like being a kid in a sweet shop. No soggy service station fare for me, thank you very much! A most fabulous introduction to my Cotswolds journey, and a taste of what was to come. You can also order their products at uptonsmokery.co.uk

Feast for the eyes

From there, we made the quick journey to Bibury’s famous Trout Farm (biburytroutfarm.co.uk). Yet, having just filled our boots with smoked salmon and various meats, we didn’t eat here. But we enjoyed talking a stroll around the village, which is possibly the prettiest I’ve ever seen. Turns out William Morris and I have something in common, as he is quoted for describing Bibury as “the most beautiful village in England.” It really is like something out of a storybook, so I can see why it’s a popular tourist spot.

The best root

En route to the hotel, we made a quick stop at Roots + Seeds Deli in Cirencester (rootsandseedsdeli.co.uk). My dinner reservation was to be at the partnering restaurant that evening and I wanted to check out the area.

Situated in The Old Kennels in the heart of Cirencester Park, the Roots + Seeds Kitchen Garden is a sustainable, home-grown and locally sourced dining hub complete with courtyard dining spaces and a children’s play area, as well as the kitchen garden framed by beautiful rolling green hills.

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