Health is wealth

1 min read

Sarah Tan, the managing director of the glucose-tracking app Lingo, on why tailored healthcare can be the key to productivity at work

How you eat is as important as what you eat.


Sweet substances will naturally cause a spike in your blood-sugar levels, but this can be moderated by the order in which you consume your food. If you take in anything high in protein or healthy, unsaturated fats first, this creates a barrier that blocks direct access to your bloodstream for anything too sugary.

Knowledge is power. A tracker takes you on a journey with your health. It gathers data on your glucose levels and builds a nuanced picture of how your body operates. The reason it is so important to monitor this is that we rely on our blood sugar for energy and for the healthy functioning of our organs. A steady amount can help us feel more energetic during the day.

Let your body guide the way. Armed with information specific to you, you can prioritise what you know will help. Movement is important, as is getting enough sleep, because this affects how you deal with glucose the next day. High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, can drive a resistance to insulin, the hormone that converts blood sugar into energy. I have learnt that my anxiety levels are greatly reduced by yoga and meditation. I don’t feel guilty about making time in my week for this, because my statistics show that, if I don’t, I will be less productive.

Bespoke healthcare is the future. The wellness industry was worth £400m last year, and it is forecast to grow by almost a third by 2028. More p

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