30 days to a healthier you

8 min read

30 Day to a Healthier You

Fresh starts aren’t just for January; you can create healthy habits at any time of year

Those New Year’s resolutions might be long forgotten by now, but don’t worry. Making grand targets with no plan is probably only likely to lead to de-motivation, so we’re all about simple, achievable lifestyle tweaks this year to help us feel inspired and healthy. Small changes can make a big difference. Turn over for an easy idea to try for each day of this month...

1. Eat alfresco

We all know that being out in nature is good for us, so why not maximise your time soaking up some vitamin D out in the garden, park, beach, woodland enjoying a picnic? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, even just enjoying your morning cuppa or lunch break sandwich alfresco can be enough to give you an extra boost after the long, dark winter months. Getting adequate amounts of daylight (particularly in the mornings) also helps to regulate your sleep-wake cycle and improve your shut-eye.

2 Batch cook

Got a quiet Sunday? Cook up some extra portions of meals that you can freeze ready for busy weekdays. You needn’t spend all day cooking for the week ahead, just double up on some recipes and stash half in the freezer. Your future self will thank you for it.

3. Give yourself a massage

A massage is a surefire route to relaxation. Sadly, most of us don’t have the £££s to enjoy weekly treatments, yet we can harness some of the benefits to help de-stress at home every day. Try daily face and neck massage while applying your daily moisturiser – this helps to combat tension headaches. As can head and scalp massages, which also encourages circulation and hair health. Try Regrowz Scalp Massage Brush (£5.99, regrowz.com).

4. Drink more water

No health hack is easier or more affordable than making sure you drink your two litres of water every day. Struggle with the lack of flavour? Try infusing with fruit slices, mint, thyme, or caffeine-free herbal teas.

5. Be a spectator

This year’s London Marathon takes place on Sunday 23rd April and if you want motivation to get running, this is it. The atmosphere in the city is electric, and it’s just as inspiring to watch the event on TV, too.

6. Level up your bath time


Swallowing your vitamins and minerals isn’t the only way to take them. Transdermal magnesium is absorbed through the skin, so ideal if you have digestive issues when taking supplements. Magnesium is instrumental to more than 300 physiological and psychological functions, including those critical to restful sleep and energy production. Add some BetterYou Magnesium Flakes (from £3.95, betteryo

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