How to set up your mac for multiple users

1 min read

Everyone in your home can share a Mac and have their own accounts. Here’s how to configure your system

• App credit: Apple Inc

System Preferences

Developer Apple Inc


Time needed


If you have a Mac at home, you will probably find that other members of the household will want to borrow it and use it for tasks, such as browsing the web, watching videos or listening to music. The Mac is made for sharing and each person can have their own account with their own files and settings, or you can set up a guest account that anyone can use without an account.

Creating user accounts is straightforward and does not take long. Configuring user accounts is a bit more involved and there are many settings. Here we take a look at the options for multiple users, switching users, sharing files between users and more.

Create accounts for everyone in the home and add a Guest User account too

Multi-user accounts

Accounts, switching and sharing features

Step-by-step Configure settings for multiple users

1 Unlock account access

Open System Preferences and click the ‘Users & Groups’ icon. Click the padlock icon in the bottom-left corner and then enter your admin password to unlock everything.

2 Add a user

If you have not done so already, create a new user by clicking the ‘+’ button at the bottom of the column of users. Most other users are best with Standard accounts.

3 Allow guests

Select ‘Guest User’ in the users list and tick the checkboxes if you want to allow them. Guests can only use Safari if FileVault is enabled. If it’s not, they can run apps. v

4 Fast user switching

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