Harold’s home… for good?

2 min read




Harold’s return to Erinsborough is an emotional one

There’s cause for big celebration in Erinsborough this week, as everyone’s favourite neighbour – Harold Bishop – moves back home!

Although Harold has popped back to visit his old friends many times over the years, most recently in 2023 for Toadie’s wedding to Terese, this time he’s back to live having signed up for one of the new Eirini Rising appartments. But as he arrives on the day of the retirement complex’s grand launch, will all go to plan? Neighbours legend Ian Smith reveals all about reprising his infamous soap character…

Hi Ian! How does it feel to be back at Neighbours on a more permanent basis?

It’s actually not a return on a permanent basis – more a return on a bits-and-bobs basis. If they had asked me back full-time I would have said no, because I’m 85, and I’m retired. So I’m just back for one day a week – but how many older actors get that luxury? It’s wonderful.

Karl and Toadie are delighted to catch up with their old friend
Harold raises a glass to Madge

How did the return come about for you, then?

It was out of the blue – I was standing on a pier, fishing rod in hand, and my phone went. It was the boss, asking if I would come back. We did so much talking, and by the end of it I was back on the show, and a smile came back on my face for the first time in a while…

What brings Harold back to Erinsborough?

His love for his one and only woman – he comes back to Erinsbrough because that’s where Madge is. He knows he has to live without her, but he can’t live without the memory of her. And that memory is strongest in Erinsborough.

Harold arrives for the grand opening of Eirini Rising.