“linda wishes mick was still here...”

2 min read



Christmas Day 2023 was never going to be easy for Linda Carter. The Queen Vic landlady was already dreading her first festive season without soulmate Mick, but there’s not a crystal ball in the land that could’ve predicted how 25

December would eventually unfold for Linda and five fellow Walford women!

Living with the guilt of killing Keanu is getting increasingly tough for Linda, and with her victim’s funeral happening this week, she’s back on the lash and dangerously close to confessing it wasn’t dastardly Dean who did the deed.

It’s a tricky time for The Six, but Linda is definitely feeling the pressure the most – especially as Keanu’s family want to hold his wake in The Vic, where the murderous incident with the meat thermometer took place!

Can Sharon stop her best mate blabbing, or is soap’s most sinister secret set to be exposed? Kellie Bright, who plays tormented Linda, tells us her alter-ego is about to fall apart…

Hi Kellie! How is Linda feeling with Father’s Day approaching?

I think any day that reminds her of Mick is a difficult day. She still has a very young son who remembers his dad and wants to talk about him. Ollie is excited about making his dad a Father’s Day card, and in addition to all this Linda is still drinking heavily – so her ability to cope with these emotional things is on the floor.

Does Ollie ask any questions about Mick?

Yes, and it’s too painful for her at the minute, everything is. Linda finds it hard to answer Ollie’s questions and doesn’t want to think about it. She’s not in a strong place mentally and wants to shut it all away.

If Mick was around, how different would Linda’s life be?

In her head, Linda thinks if Mick had been here at Christmas then none of this would have happened, or at least he’d know what to do. Everything would be better if he was here. She has certainly felt Mick’s loss more than ever since Christmas. Of all the things that have happened to her over the last year and a half, Mick’s absence is definitely the most painful for her.

Passed out: Linda sleeps off another drinking session

How does Linda react when Elaine agrees to hold Keanu’s wake at the Vic?

Elaine says yes to

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