Slim for summer!

9 min read

If the warmer weather’s got you thinking about your holiday plans and achieving your weight-loss goals, try our easy-to-follow, seven-day eating plan, created in conjunction with Slimming World. It will help you feel sensational!


1 Follow the menu. Feel free to repeat any days you particularly enjoy!

2 Slimming World’s eating plan, Food Optimising, is based on the science of energy density (the calories per gram in food), of satiety (how filling a food is) and how easy a food is to overeat. It’s a simple way to cut calories without counting them and lose weight without going hungry.

3 Free Food is at the heart of the Slimming World plan. These are the foods you can enjoy without weighing, measuring or counting. There are more than 350 Free Foods to choose from, many of which we’ve incorporated into this plan.

4 To ensure you’re getting a balanced and nutritious diet, you can enjoy measured amounts of foods that provide calcium, such as milk and cheese, as well as foods providing fibre and other essential minerals and nutrients. We’ve included lots of fibre in this plan too.

5 Choose from two of the following each day: 350ml skimmed milk, 250ml semi-skimmed milk, 400ml plain unsweetened soya/almond milk with added calcium, 30g full-fat hard cheese or 40g reduced-fat hard cheese. Some days these have been included within your meal choices. Choose from one on these days. Don’t forget to treat yourself! Enjoy 6 up to two options every day from the snack list on page 35.


● Stay hydrated: Aim to have between six and eight drinks a day – choose water or sugar-free drinks.

● Don’t go it alone: Studies show Slimming World members eat more healthily than the general population, so the whole household can enjoy the same meals alongside you.

● For extra fibre, filling power and health benefits, try to include wholegrains such as wholemeal pasta, brown rice and wholewheat couscous where you can.

All breakfasts and lunches serve one, all dinners serve four

Breakfast Egg and soldiers Soft boil an egg* or two to your liking and serve with 2 slices of wholemeal toast (from a small 400g loaf) cut into soldiers. Follow with some fresh fruit.

Lunch Jacket potato Top a baked potato with hot baked beans and 40g reduced-fat grated Cheddar cheese and serve with coleslaw. Tip Make a coleslaw by mixing together some shredded red cabbage, grated carrots, sliced spring onions and fat-free natural yogurt. Season to taste.

Dinner Spaghetti and meatballs First make the meatballs. Put 500g lean beef mince (5% fat or less), 2 crushed garlic cloves, ½ finely sliced red onion, 1tsp dried oregano and 1tbsp tomato purée in a bowl. Season and mash together with your hands until really well mixed. Roll into 20 balls, then put on a plate. Cover and set aside for 20

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