Kind, Clear, Calm Magazine
3 March 2022

"You’re sitting at the kitchen table, knife and fork in hand. Just before you take your first bite of dinner, you take a deep breath in; the aroma of your meal is intoxicating. Each forkful is better than the last. It may sound like a far-reached scenario, but it’s not. In Mindful Eating, you’ll unlock the secrets to making this your daily life as you begin to eat mindfully. Gone will be the days of overeating and feeling bloated thanks to our handy worksheets for the whole family to enjoy, advice from mindfulness professionals, and exercises that you can put into practice right away. Say goodbye to calorie tracking and feeling guilty for having a snack. It’s time to make a positive change in your life and get in touch with your inner self - it’s time to take back control of what you eat. "

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