KISSED Magazine
1 June 2022
KISSED is a magazine focused on female lust, sensuality and passion. We created KISSED because we realized how little we still know about our own bodies and how insecure many people are when it comes to their own sexual fantasies and desires. It is difficult for us to say yes to our own pleasure, to love our bodies, and to prioritize our own joy. Most women grow up thinking we are flawed and need to fix everything about ourselves. But what we don’t see is that the thing we’re really missing is sexual confidence. Sexuality is probably the strongest force that drives us. We are all sexual beings and need to reclaim the power that comes with a healthy relationship with our own passion. KISSED Magazine creates a world where not only women, but humans of all ages and genders can embrace their sexuality with positivity and confidence. We want to encourage our readers to explore their desires, to feel comfortable and confident in their own body, and to communicate their sensual needs without censorship. And to realize and utilize the pure, creative power that grows from uninhibited pleasure.
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