Liberti Magazine
12 December 2018
Liberti Magazine is a vibrant, contemporary magazine with a heart for freedom. We have a vision to reach women all over the country, and beyond, with the message that Jesus was good news to women, that he went out of his way to honour, restore and release them and that he still does. We have a dream to see women walk in freedom. Freedom from the past…. and freedom from pain or negative expectations placed upon them by others or by culture. But more than that, we have a dream to see women walk in the freedom to be all they were created to be – to dare to dream, to be equipped to walk into that dream and free to fly as they spread their God-given wings and leap into their future. The magazine is currently published four times a year and is full of inspirational interviews and articles answering the same questions that you find addressed in Cosmopolitan, Red and other women’s magazines that you find on the shelf at the Newsagents. We look at real issues faced by real women living in the real world. There’s one key difference. Liberti won’t tell you that you need to be thinner, blonder or smoother, it won’t tell you that you’re not matching up to an ‘ideal’ constructed by a world out of control and it won’t give you ten ways to please your man. We call it ‘speaking the world’s language with a Kingdom accent’.
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