Mac 2021 Yearbook Magazine
9 December 2020
Brought to you by the expert team at BDM, and written by best-selling technology authors Ian Osborne and David Hayward, the Mac 2021 Yearbook is packed with top tips and in-depth tutorials. You'll uncover the history of the Mac's development, learn how to make full use of the Mac's huge list of features, discover how to use the Mac operating system, macOS Big Sur and its built-in apps; plus much more. By the time you've finished reading the Mac 2021 Yearbook, you'll be a pro in everything related to the Mac and macOS 11. Inside these pages you'll discover everything you will need to know about Apple's amazing hardware and software including: • The history of the Mac • Software & hardware features of the latest Mac range • In-depth coverage of macOS 11 Big Sur • Detailed app tutorials • How to configure Settings & much more!
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