Men’s Fitness Guides Magazine
16 September 2020

In the first of Kelsey Publishing’s new bookazines devoted to men’s fitness, we have the Complete Guide to Dumbbell Training. This invaluable special edition is dedicated to the humble dumbbell – an essential bit of kit that can torch fat and build full-body muscle. What’s more, once you’ve got this bookazine – and a set of dumbbells for as little as £30 – you can get in shape from the sanctuary of your own home. The guide includes: - The essentials dumbbell training - How to personalise a dumbbell programme - Simple warm-up and effective cool-down exercises - Body-specific exercises for a rock-solid core, powerful glutes, a big chest and more - Combo moves to get you lean - Sports- specific workouts to get you excelling in your chosen field - A 12-week programme to help you build your ultimate physique - More than 40 moves in detail to perfect your form and swerve any setbacks

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