Military Vehicles Archive Magazine
26 January 2024
With a total of almost 50,000 vehicles constructed between 1942 and 1945, the M4 Sherman requires little introduction. It was one of the most numerous tanks of the period, and was deployed by all of the Allies, as well as going on to serve with more than 40 nations over the next 50 years. Few would argue that it was the best tank of the period but, nevertheless, it was reliable, easy to drive, and unlike the German heavy tanks of the period, was relatively cheap to produce with tanks pouring out of factories across the USA. Shermans were produced by 10 different manufacturers, with both welded and cast hulls, and with petrol and diesel engines. The original 75mm gun eventually gave way to a 76mm weapon, and other variants mounted the 105mm howitzer and the 17-pounder (76.2mm). The Sherman also provided the basis for other armoured fighting vehicles, including self-propelled guns, mine clearance tanks, armoured recovery vehicles, and tank destroyers. With a mix of text and tabular material, and with some 175 period and modern photographs, this latest in Kelsey’s Military Vehicles Archive series tells the full story of the Sherman.
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