MOJO Magazine
15 October 2024
"MOJO is the world’s largest UK music magazine, delivering a monthly dose of world class journalism and iconic photography to an audience of extremely passionate music consumers. If you’re featured in MOJO, you matter."
...Read moreArticles from this issue

Future legends 15 tracks of dystopian sci-fi rock

All back to my place

Theories, rants, etc.

Lonely planet boy

New book logo rhythm chronicles the band emblem

The manics get free on album 15

Joe talbot

Pink label and all, pye records is back from the dead – but how?

45 years in, punk-pop believers redd kross power onwards

Are london age nts of chaos warmduscher too hot to handle?

Dig this! shovel dance collective’s anarchic new take on folk

The percussive force of the faces, small faces, the who and more on “cuddly” don arden, plans with rod and ron, and the tragic roll call of fallen comrades. “too young… too young,” laments kenney jones.