The long game

5 min read


Just how does Greg Minnaar stay fast, focused and injury free (touch wood!), even into his 40s? Coach Alan Milway lets us peek behind the GOAT’s training curtain

It can be frustrating to hear yourself utter the words ‘I used to be able to…’ and to tell anyone who will listen what you could do – and would still do – but for work commitments, family, age….

Re-living a fast and reckless youth on your mountain bike is not the aim here. Rather, the goal is to ensure you can enjoy more years of quality riding, fitness and even skills development when you creep over 40, 50, 60 years of age and beyond. Greg Minnaar needs no introduction; the four times world champion has been racing downhill World Cups for over 20 years. With Worlds titles spanning from 2003-2021, he has had a huge career at the very top of sport – and enters 2023 as a 41-year-old still aiming for the podium. This quite remarkable achievement shows that high performance in such a high-risk and physical discipline can be achieved. Greg is undoubtedly an anomaly, but is there anything we can take from his approach to help us mere mortals to stay fit, keep riding well and enjoying what we do for so many years?


Coach to Greg Minnaar, and a host of other pro athletes and amateurs besides, Alan knows what it takes to become a world champion on two wheels. An expert on strength training and fitness, Alan’s adept at applying a science-based approach to discover really works to make us faster.


Greg maintains a regular training routine, and has done so for many, many years. This has allowed him to develop a huge base of fitness. Completing every session of an average training plan is far more effective than completing only half the sessions of an intense training plan. For most of us, just forming a simple, achievable commitment to train a couple of days a week will pay dividends in the long run.

n TOP TIP Routines work best when they are written down or involve someone else. Commit to meeting a mate to ride in the week, or train with them at a fitness class once a week. You are more likely to stick to this and an easy routine will be easier to maintain.


Greg rises early and has done a session before many of us have got up, freeing up much more of the day. Not all of us have the motivation or time to do this, but try and look for any early window where you can get it done – turn the commute into a training session, or squeeze something in during your lunch break.

n TOP TIP Running is incredibly time efficient, and a short 20-30 minute run is easier to work into a morning routine than most other activities. Short, very manageable sessions can be overlooked but can add together over the course of weeks or months to make a huge difference in overall fitness and weight loss

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