Learning the ropes

6 min read

It’s Julie’s first time leading a camping trip with the Brownies – and she at least is fully prepared



Julie grabbed another pair of thick, woolly socks from the drawer and shoved them into her rucksack. “You can never have too many socks,” she muttered.

Julie was Brown Owl to Brynteg 1st division Brownies group, and today eight of the older Brownies were going to do their camping badge. They were to spend one night under the stars – and with the cloudless skies of late, it was set to be a magnificent sight.

Julie was one of the youngest Brown Owls of the ’70s, having taken over when her mum retired.

When the telephone rang, she dashed downstairs and grabbed the receiver.

“Hi, Jules.”

“Hi, Mum.”

“Everything sorted for today?”

Julie felt a spike of annoyance. Her mum may have retired, but she couldn’t help interfering in everything Julie arranged for Brynteg Brownies.

“Yes, Mum. Everything is fine.”

“Did you pick up the tents from Mrs Grayson? And are the pans clean? Last time I lent them to the Scouts, they came back in a terrible state!”

“Mum! All is in hand. I have done a camping trip before, you know!”

Her mum gave a sigh.

“Yes, but I don’t think a day’s camping in Mrs Grayson’s garden counts. This is your first overnighter.”

“I have to go, Mum. I don’t want to be late. I’ll ring you tomorrow.”

Julie’s mum was right. She hadn’t done an overnight camping trip yet.

Nevertheless she’d considered every detail. Her Tawny Owls, Lisa and Marie, were attending, so there would be an adult in each tent. They were only camping in the grounds of the Scout hut, anyway. Everything had been checked and double-checked.

After loading her rucksack into the car along with everything else she needed for the night, she made the short drive to the Scout hut.

A gated gravel driveway led to the small car park outside the wooden building. It was set off a small country lane beside the River Betws: a perfect location for the Brynteg groups to carry out tasks and complete badges.

The camping badge required the Brownies to erect their own tent, build a campfire and cook a simple meal, as well as building a welly rack and a structure to keep their rucksacks off the ground. There would be fun tasks throughout the afternoon and into the evening to keep everyone occupied.

If it became too stifling under the canvas in the heat

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