Anthea turner how i see it...

1 min read

Love, Anthea X



I love a bumper edition and this one is packed! I’m off to Crete at the weekend to film a little report on a hotel so I’m saving the mini mag for the plane journey. But only when I’ve spent an hour deleting rubbish pictures from my phone.

I am obsessed with cleaning up my electronic life. On my recent trip to the Galapagos, I deleted over 2000. Admittedly, it was a long flight and I’d seen most of the films.

We should delete as we go along. Maybe you do, but having this gadget in our hands makes us film the stupidest things most of which we’ll never look at again – like concerts.

Seeing Bruce Springsteen at Hyde Park in the rain was a fabulous experience – the man was awesome. But . . . after posting on Instagram and showing friends, do I need to re-live it? No – delete.

Why do we take pictures of food? Just eat and enjoy the moment! Unless you’re going to recreate a masterpiece, which is totally acceptable.

When it comes to people, I admit to having a file of hideous pictures that might come in useful. Presenter Philippa Forrester and I have so many of each other, we’ll be in our 90s before we run out of embarrassing personalised card options.

Caring Champion

So glad to see carers featured. Mum and Dad cared for my sister Ruth with spina bifida and my f

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