Support your immunity

6 min read

Can we really eat to beat winter viruses? NH investigates how to support your immune system through diet

Since the pandemic, immune health is at the forefront of our minds more than ever before. In fact, Google searches for ‘boosting your immune system’ have risen by 300 percent in the last 12 months alone according to Google Trends data. With another winter just around the corner it’s understandable that folks are looking for every available opportunity to ward off viruses and infections. One of the most effective methods of supporting immune function is of course through diet, so let’s have a recap on which foods are our friends when it comes to immunity.

“Nourish your body with foods that are rich in vitamins A, C and D, as well as minerals zinc, omega 3s and selenium,” says Lola Biggs, registered dietician at natural health supplement brand Together Health. Below she reveals some of the best foods to incorporate into your daily diet:

Citrus fruits – they have anti-bacterial and antiviral properties and can increase the production of white blood cells which fight infection.

Red bell peppers – full of essential vitamins including vitamin A which is known to help with our immune system strength.

Broccoli – a superfood packed with minerals, antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E as well as iron, zinc and magnesium, this is the perfect immunity booster.

Garlic – contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which fight infections and bolster the immune system.

Ginger – another favourite of mine, it can help with everything from easing sore throats to fighting inflammation. Grate into stir fries, curries, hot water and lemon, juices and smoothies.

Spinach – full of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and antioxidants, this is great for its infection fighting powers. Throw a handful into smoothies, stews and salads.

Turmeric – a renowned immune booster along with curcumin, it stimulates the formation of antibodies that fight off germs.

Sunflower seeds – bursting with vitamins E and B6 along with magnesium and selenium, they play a role in strengthening immunity. Sprinkle onto your porridge or yoghurt.

Topping up with vitamins

Most of us think of vitamin C as the go-to supplement for immune system support, and it’s a classic for good reason. “Vitamin C helps fight off colds and keep bugs at bay,” Lola reminds us. “Because your body doesn’t produce or store it, you need to add vitamin C into your diet. I’d suggest a daily add-on like the Together Health Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids (£7.99, togetherheal

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