‘having a fifth child is a beautiful madness’

4 min read

After baby Arabella Rose was born at the start of April, Peter Andre chats to new about changing nappies at 51



Sleep deprivation comes with the territory as a new parent, but when Peter Andre joins us for a Zoom chat, he looks admirably fresh. The only clues that he’s been up at the crack of dawn are the coffee he’s gulping down and the intermittent background cries and gurgles from his 11-week-old daughter Arabella Rose. And he says he and his wife of nine years, Emily MacDonagh, 34, are both managing pretty well.

“She is beautiful and such a blessing,” he says. “But I don’t think anything ever prepares you for this lack of sleep. You’re tired, and night and day seem like one.”

He’s keen to stress that his age hasn’t been a factor though. “It might sound mad, but even though I’m tired, I still feel like I’m in my thirties,” he says. “And this is baby number five for me, so I’m a dab hand at it now.”

After his last child was born in 2016 – Theo, now seven, who joined Amelia, 10, and older siblings Junior, 19, and Princess, 16 (whose mum is Katie Price) – Peter was insistent he wouldn’t be having any more. But when put on the spot about the subject, he admits he can’t completely close that door. “But I’m about 90% that this is it,” he adds.

It doesn’t sound like he’ll have the time, quite frankly. Peter has plans including two big acting roles, an album and hopefully an arena tour for next year.

Here, he tells us why 2024 could be his best year yet…

Hi, Peter! How are you finding life as a dad-of-five?

It’s a beautiful madness. I must have said 100 times that I wouldn’t be changing nappies at 50 and I’m 51 – and changing nappies. Because Emily’s breastfeeding, she’s obviously doing more, but I try to feed with expressed bottles and I take the baby very early so she can sleep.

How is Arabella Rose?

She’s the best. Although, is anyone the best when they’re babies? We’re getting there, but everyone’s just so, so in love with her. My other kids dote on her.

Did you always want to have a big family?

My dad’s one of 12 and I was one of six, so yes, big families are in our blood.

What would you say fatherhood has taught you?

I’m still learning every single day. One thing that’s really important is that you’ve got to treat all the kids equally and sometimes I fail. Just today, I said to Theo, “I want to apologise to you becau

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