Planet pete

2 min read

This week, our columnist looks forward to Glastonbury festival and gets busy in the kitchen



I’m looking forward to tuning into all the Glastonbury coverage on TV this weekend – it’s such an iconic festival that’s great for all ages.

Plus, Shania Twain is performing in the legends spot this week and I think it’s a great choice. She really is a legend and has so many amazing hits.

In the hot seat

Not only is Princess turning 17 this week, but she is also learning to drive and will be sitting her theory test at some point.

I can’t believe how grown up she is! I’m getting ready to help her practise… you might have seen my reaction to that thought on my Instagram, LOL.

When it comes to getting a car, though, she wants to wait until she has her licence. Junior wanted one ahead of time but Princess said she wants to wait and pick one out afterwards.


The news of a potential E. coli outbreak from possible contamination in pre-packed sandwiches is really scary. It sounds like it’s happening in some major supermarkets, so it could affect anyone.

The thing is, we can never be too careful when it comes to our health. It feels like nowadays more and more things are getting contaminated, or more health outbreaks are happening. Fingers crossed they get it under control quickly and the people who have been admitted to hospital are feeling better.


As you can imagine, it’s been pretty busy in our house recently and one of the things I love to do to switch off is cook.

It has always been a passion of mine, and I love putting music on and making meals for the family. I have many favourite dishes but one I like to make at the moment is classic spaghetti bolognese – bu

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