Layers of lusciousness

3 min read

You’re probably familiar with layered traybakes such as lasagne. Now that classic savoury recipe has inspired these simple, sweet and luxurious puddings


Wimbledon lasagne


Ingredients For the shortbread

165g butter, softened
80g caster sugar,
plus extra for finishing
250g plain flour,
plus extra for dusting
1 tsp vanilla extract

For the Pimm’s cream

300ml double cream
25g caster sugar
50ml Pimm’s (or orange juice for
an alcohol-free version)

To serve

300g strawberries, hulled
and halved
Handful of fresh mint leaves

finely shredded, plus a sprig
to decorate
1 tbsp icing sugar

1. In a large mixing bowl, beat together the butter and caster sugar. Stir in the flour until well combined. Add the vanilla extract, then lightly knead the dough and gather it into one firm ball.

2. Lightly flour a piece of parchment paper. Place the dough on the parchment paper and roll it out into a rectangle measuring approx. 27 x 20cm and 1.5cm thick. Lightly score two lines across the dough, dividing it into three smaller 9 x 20cm rectangles (this makes it easier to cut to size once it’s baked). Prick the dough all over with a fork. Lift the parchment paper and transfer the dough to a baking sheet. Chill in the fridge for 20 minutes.

3. Preheat oven to 200°C/180°C fan/gas mark 6. Bake the dough in the oven for 12–15 minutes, until golden brown.

4. Remove from the oven.

Immediately divide the shortbread into those three smaller rectangles, cutting along the scored lines. Sprinkle with caster sugar and transfer to a rack to cool.

5. Pour the double cream into a large mixing bowl, add the caster sugar and Pimm’s and whisk to soft peaks.

6. Assemble immediately before serving by placing one of the shortbread slabs on a serving dish or platter. Spread over half of the Pimm’s cream and top with half of the strawberries and a few mint leaf shreds. Repeat these layers once more. Finish with the third shortbread slab. Dust the top with icing sugar and decorate with a sprig of mint. Serve straight away so that the shortbread remains crisp.

Espresso martini trifle



3 tbsp double cream
1½ tbsp instant coffee granules
250g mascarpone cheese
30g icing sugar, sifted
1 x 400g carton fresh
vanilla custard
50g dark chocolate (at least 40%
cocoa solids)
6 triple chocolate chip muffins,
thinly sliced
4 tbsp coffee rum liqueur (or a shot
of espresso if you want to make an
alcohol-free ve

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