Cook like a local mexico

5 min read

Explore the fresh, zingy flavours of this vibrant Latin American country

Words and recipes ADRIANA CAVITA

Mexico is a rich country. I’m not talking just about the biodiversity but its cultural diversity – geographically there are many different microclimates that enrich the local cuisines. Most Mexicans are very rooted in their local traditions, which helps preserve the flavours, utensils and culinary techniques.

One of my favourite things about the food culture of my country is the markets – this is where you can see its history in the food on offer. The markets are full of spices from all over the world including cinnamon, cloves and bay leaves, as well as local fruits and vegetables adapted to this land. The aroma of the Mexican market is like no other, from fresh cut fruits served with lime and chilli to the aroma of freshly cooked barbacoa served with sauces and corn tortillas.

Alongside street food in Mexico, the restaurant scene has been growing more and more, especially in the big cities. Now you can find cuisines from all over the world – Thailand, Japan, Korea, China – all coming together and combining with our own food traditions to make something incredible, unique and, of course, delicious.

Northern-style stuffed peppers (chiles rellenos norteño)

This is one of the most representative dishes from the northern regions in Mexico. Poblano chillies are stuffed with minced beef or pork, baked and served with a delicious sauce.


4 Poblano chillies (or a similar variety
– Anaheim or regular bell peppers work)
180g grated cheese (I use a melting cheese such as raclette)
20g chopped flat-leaf parsley, to serve
100ml vegetable oil
1 onion, finely chopped
6 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 potato, peeled and diced
1 carrot, peeled and diced
500g minced beef or pork pinch of ground cumin
2 tsp salt
1 tbsp ground black pepper
40g chopped flat-leaf parsley
8 tomatoes, quartered
¼ onion, cut into three pieces
1½ tsp salt
50ml vegetable oil

1 First, make the filling. Heat the oil in a pan over a high heat. Cook the onion for 1 min, stirring continuously. Add the garlic and, after 1 min, add the potato and carrot, and cook for 3 mins. Add the mince and cook while moving it constantly to break up the meat and ensure that it cooks evenly. Lower the heat, then add the cumin, salt, pepper and parsley, and cook for 15 mins until the meat has browned. Continue to cook until the meat juices have reduced by half.

2 Char the chillies over a direct flame or with a blowtorch until the skins have blackened all over. When the chillies are cool enough to handle, remove the skins. Make a slit in each chi

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