Counter intuitive

2 min read



PICK & POKE your way through this gorgeous tabletop roguelite

by Tom Sykes

There are four varied characters to play as. Nash here uses gold coins as health.

There’s just something about playing with tokens – chunky, circular tokens – that makes any game better, whether it’s Backgammon, Draughts or Connect 4. Pick & Poke, I’m pleased to report, is a game entirely about moving tokens around, as you drag them onto choices to make your way round a fantasy city. A singleplayer roguelite, it has the spirit of a tabletop RPG. It’s even played on an actual (OK, a virtual) tabletop.

Oh but what a table it is, enriched by those multicoloured tokens and the big cartoon arm you use to drop them onto dialogue boxes. It really feels like you’re playing the game in a tavern somewhere – the decorations even wobble when you poke them.

Pick & Poke was made in a week for the 7-Day Roguelike challenge, but it’s far removed from the usual procedural ASCII mazes. The world map nodes appear to be randomised, so too the order that the text-based events will appear, but you’ll cover a lot of familiar ground as you ultimately die and restart with one of the other characters.

But what does one of those events look like? Well, a blob of narration and dialogue, culminating in a couple

of decisions to make, which call upon your character’s strength, agility, wisdom or charisma. There are no numbers here, however – you either have the required ability tokens or not. If not, you can always use one of your precious health tokens instead, sacrificing your HP to continue the game – but for how long?

I had so much fun managing all these tokens

Spent tokens are expended when used, so it’s best to keep a varied stable in your cruelly limited inventory. Fill it up and the game is even crueller, by triggering an encounter with a guard who sees your purse and frisks you in the street. You can swat him away with bribes �

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