Holiday horror

5 min read


A dream holiday sent Ruth Lowry, 57, from Gravesend, to hospital rather than a tropical paradise…

It was a holiday we won’t forget
We were meant to be celebrating
I swapped the pool for a hospital

Taking our seats on the plane, I couldn’t wait to see London shrink below me.

Me and my husband Sean, 62, were flying to our dream holiday destination – Larnaca, Cyprus.

We were heading out there to celebrate my 50 th birthday.

Although we celebrated my actual birthday – on 8 September 2016 – with a family bash back home, we planned to spend 10 days afterwards in paradise.

Running my own business as a hairdresser, while Sean worked as a business consultant, we were craving some rest and relaxation.

‘Forget hang gliding and all that,’ I told Sean. ‘Let’s just 28 chill together.’ So, that’s what we planned to do. God knows I needed it.

For the past few months, I’d been experiencing severe pain in my neck and shoulders, and banging headaches, too.

The GP had given me hydrocortisone shots in my shoulder and recommended I take painkillers, but the pain was still there.

However, I was determined not to let it ruin the holiday.

I couldn’t wait to top up my tan and wear my new outfits, especially my black swimsuit. At the hotel, Sean and I headed to the sun loungers.

Spending nine days by the pool and sipping on espresso martinis, we lapped it all up.

We even made friends with another couple, Bev and Paul, at the hotel.

But my pain was still ticking away in the background.

However, we still made the most of our holiday.

On our final day, Sean and I made the most of the sunshine. In the morning, we set up camp on the sun loungers. I even wore my favourite black swimsuit.

As I read my Kindle, while Sean listened to music, a sharp pain seared through my neck.

Ow, I thought, startled.

I assumed popping a few more painkillers would help.

But I was in complete agony.

‘Something’s not right,’ I told Sean. ‘I’m in so much pain.’ Instantly, Sean led me to the hotel reception.

‘My wife’s not feeling well,’ he told the receptionist. ‘We need a masseur.’

But in a split second, everything changed.

I lost control of my body, collapsing on the floor.

I can’t feel my legs, I realised. I couldn’t feel anything below my waist.

Yet I didn’t have time to panic – after all, I was in and out of consciousness.

Although, I did feel a little embarrassed. This was happening in front of everyone, all while I was in my swimsuit.

The last thing I remember was seeing our friend Bev running towards me.

While I was unconscious, I was transported to t

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