A weight lifted

5 min read


Katie Chadwick, 37, from Bognor Regis, put down her Ben and Jerry’s and decided to make a change...

Getting home after the school run, I could feel my body begin to shake.

And at 4pm each day, it was like clockwork.

I was starving.

With cups of tea, Costa coffee and cans of Monster to tide me throughout the day, I always skipped breakfast and rarely stopped for lunch.

Working as a carer as well as being a mum to Faith, now 17, and Rupert, now eight, it was rare I made time for myself. But now, I was ravenous. Settling down on the sofa, I worked my way through a pack of custard creams.

Topped off with grab bags of crisps, I loved anything salt and vinegar or pickled onion. And when my husband Guy, 36, got home, we’d order a takeaway.

I always felt self-conscious

‘I can’t be bothered to cook,’ I’d say. ‘I’m knackered.’

Eating out three to four nights, we were spending £100 a week on takeaways.

Opting for Chinese, I stacked my plate with chicken balls, chow mein and curry sauce.

And afterwards I’d satisfy my sweet tooth by scoffing a whole tub of Ben and Jerry’s Caramel Chew Chew.

Piling on weight, by 2021 I was 19st and wore a size 24.

Guy and I both worked full time and with the kids, I was always busy – a takeaway was far easier than spending hours over the stove.

Guy was a healthy weight and the kids tended to eat separate meals like chicken wraps or sausage and veggies. I’d always have fruit and yoghurt available so they had a healthy selection. But me not eating all day meant I couldn’t wait to fill up on crisps and biscuits when I got home.

And working my way through five tubs of Ben and Jerry’s each week, my weight was spiralling. It was a vicious cycle – I hated how I looked but I just couldn’t stop myself.

It got to the point that I wouldn’t eat in front of people.

Look at that fat bird, I was terrified people would think.

Despite living in a seaside town, we’d never go to the beach and in the summer, I’d hide my body in jeans and cardigans – I wouldn’t be caught dead in a swimsuit.

I never wanted to leave the house – I lost a lot of friends and would argue with Guy, too.

‘You look beautiful,’ he’d reassure me – but I never believed him, my weight made me feel like a huge burden.

It even put me off taking Rupert to the park in case the other mums judged me. We’d stay home playing with cars and colouring in.

I’d tried lots of diets over the years, but nothing worked.

In 2018, I’d had a glass – or a few – with my best friend when we booked a holiday to Mallorca.

Forking out £3,500, we planned to have the best time.

Only a couple of weeks before, my anxiety got

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