Just the beginning

2 min read


Sam Bunting, 79, from Ashford, Kent, wants you to know that a diagnosis doesn’t mean it’s the end...

Walking into my local leisure centre, I couldn’t wait to get my blood pumping.

Getting in my steps on the treadmill and lifting the odd weight made me feel better.

It brought back a particular memory for me, too – hiking through the Himalayas back in 2013.

I’d love to go back there. Recently, I’d found myself drifting back into the past, living in my memories.

Only, I was suddenly stopped at the reception desk.

‘Are you coming in for another session Sam?’ the receptionist asked. ‘You’ve already been in this morning!’

Living out my dream

BIG health story

My daughters always support me

Wracking my brains, I couldn’t remember wandering in earlier that day.

But slowly, things started coming back to me.

I swear I did that yesterday, too… I realised.

Yet I knew my forgetfulness wasn’t something to worry about, nor was me remembering things from years ago instead of that day.

It was just another part of living with Alzheimer’s that I’d had to get used to.

Two years ago, I’d noticed I was repeating myself when chatting to my daughters Frances and Sarah.

But I just assumed that was to do with my age.

Only, things soon escalated. ‘Dad, Lucas said you couldn’t find your way home Frances asked gently.

After picking up my grandson Lucas from school, I’d started walking him home.

Suddenly though, I lost track of my surroundings. Where am I? I thought. Eventually, Lucas helped me find the way home.

Getting upset, I realised that something wasn’t right.

‘You best go and get checked, Dad,’ Frances said. I agreed.

And after my appointment at Ashford Hospital, I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

I felt like a weight had been lifted. Finally, I had an answer for my forgetfulness.

But now, I could move on. Frances and Sarah still wanted me to be safe.

So, I moved into accommodation near the Age UK Hythe, Lyminge and Ashford community centre.

Training for the big trek

Moving in, I soon found myself with a better social life.

Joining painting and exercise classes, I made lots of new friends.

It was a great balance for me. I could live i

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