A holiday to remember!

3 min read

This month, we asked our wonderful Ambassadors to share their favourite holidays – and they delivered!Here’s a selection of some special memories.

‘Hanging out with your gal pals no matter your age!’

Nancy Ralston (second right), 65, Lanarkshire


There is nothing quite like having a “girlie” holiday with your besties. Especially when those besties have been with you since you were schoolgirls. One of my most memorable holidays was the year we all turned 60. We decided to do a tour of the Amalfi Coast for our “60th Holiday Bash” and settled on a lovely hotel in Sorrento, near to shopping and restaurants. The night we were to go to a posh restaurant for our big 60th dinner turned into the most horrendous thunderstorm, so we ended up staying in the hotel and having too many drinks and lots of laughs. There is nothing like spending time with your besties, no matter what age you are!

‘My paradise of peace and tranquillity’

Amanda Williams, 64, Surrey

In the springtime of 1986 and with an eight month old baby boy, we (my then husband and I) had the great fortune of buying Casa Dorita, nestled in a little fishing port in Spain, with its back to the mountains and a stone’s throw from the ocean. Thirty plus years forward and that remains my place of solace and peace, very well loved and filled with memories of three generations of joy and laughter. Calp in the Costa Blanca has changed enormously but my grandchildren love it just as their parents did, and I pray that whilst I still have breath in my body I will be able to maintain and upkeep it. A paradise of peace and tranquillity, how blessed we are.

‘Seeing my kids’ smiles means the world to me’

Simone Wilby, 39, Suffolk

My summer holiday memory is my three children with disabilities and I going to Milton Keynes Gulliver’s Land in summer 2022. Of course, I have lots of great memories from other summers too, but we love Milton Keynes, and that fun little adventure was enjoyed by all of us. Being a single mum, I often worry my children miss out but seeing their smiles when we do things like this means the world to me.

‘A holistic holiday in the sun’

Gillian Fullarton (right), 61, Scotland

One of my favourite holiday memories is an activity holiday on the Greek island of Skyros. The memory stretches back to a bleak February day when I was making myself a cup of tea in the staffroom. ‘I’d love to go there,’ I heard a colleague say as she gazed at her computer screen. Glancing ove

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