Talking point into hospital, outer hebrides

3 min read

Following a health scare, monthly columnist Motorhome Matt Sims really does get to the ‘heart’ of the matter, as he goes in search of the restorative powers of travel…

You can see the doctor at 4pm, Mr Sims,” said the receptionist. During the past few months, I’d been experiencing some chest aches and occasional dizzy spells. I’d also been suffering what had been nicknamed a 100-day cough, and some discomfort in my shoulder.

When I saw my GP, he said, “You’re going to cardiology now via A&E. Do you have someone who can take you? If not, I’ll call an ambulance.”



Jude took me to A&E. There, I saw several nurses and doctors, and a consultant who suggested my asthma was the cause of my chest discomfort.

The same consultant suggested I simply needed to drink more water. I was later approved for an echocardiogram and an angiogram.

Believing that all I would need to do was drink more water, I signed up for trial stents, which would dissolve once fitted, thinking I would not likely need these. I was told the angiogram was a simple 40-minute procedure.

The surgeon began the angiogram, entering an artery through my wrist, from where they travel up your arm via your shoulder and into your heart. It’s quite a bizarre procedure. “It’s not good in here, Matt,” he said, “I’ll fix it for you now. You’re lucky to have made it here today.”

I was diagnosed with unstable angina and had apparently come close to a fatal heart attack.

Some three-and-a-half hours later, I returned to the ward, where Jude and one of my daughters were waiting for me. I proudly announced, “I’ve had two stents fitted, which dissolve!” Jude was in disbelief. I was discharged the following day and told not to drive for a week, and I spent that week at home recovering and reflecting on what had been happening to me.


Jude and I had loosely planned a trip to Scotland, which now became a firm intention. I needed time to recover, to get away and appreciate this gift of the next chapter of my life.

The Outer Hebrides was our chosen destination. We got busy planning and decided to pre-book our ferries, campsites and entire route.

We left early on a Monday morning and drove to Edinburgh, where we spent a leisurely few days catching up with friends. We then headed towards Ullapool, where we stopped off to take a look at the famous Kelpies.

We spent the night at a cam

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