Doing good outdoors

2 min read


My mum volunteers in a Cancer Research charity shop and I would like to do some volunteering, too. What I didn’t think about – until reading our feature on page 30 – was of the more unusual outdoor volunteering opportunities you can do. I was interested in reading about the woman who cleans the war graves. I love history, so I found something really special about this simple way of emotionally connecting with the past.

I also loved the idea of training a hearing dog to help deaf people. Dougie the cocker spaniel in our feature reminded me of my own dog, Scamper, when he was young – although I can’t say I’ve trained him very well! I know many of you do so much for others already, but I hope we’ll inspire you with some new ideas, too. Talking of volunteering, I’m so delighted with the team of dedicated helpers in Stafford rejuvenating our Prima community garden. A big thanks to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and locals who are all working hard to bring some joy and colour to a rather forgotten piece of land in the town. I reckon it’s time for me to get my wellies back on and join them once again for a day of digging, weed clearing and planting – well I did say I wanted to get volunteering!

Dougie is being trained to help deaf people

This month…

8 I’ve watched Jill Halfpenny many times on TV, so it was great to see her in real life at our shoot – and looking so fabulous
Photography Nicky Johnston, Maja Smend, Margaret Ashworth Jill wears Suit, Sandro. Heels, River Island. Earrings, H&M. Rings, Hot Diamonds, Carolin Stone

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