Roses are red…

2 min read

It’s February, the official month of love, affection, and connection! Valentine’s Day often polarises opinions – it’s fair to say, people typically love it or hate it. But regardless of whether you go giddy for the globally celebrated event, or prefer to put it into Room 101, there is certainly something positive that we can all get from embracing and sharing the love in our lives.

And whether you’re attached or single, it matters not – why not view Valentine’s month as a chance to show your love and appreciation for the special people in your life? In recent years, we’ve seen alternatives to the tradition: why not make this a Palentine’s, instead, and let your mates know how much you care? Or how about a Galentine’s Day, for making memories with your best girlies?

Or maybe you skip the sentimentality altogether? Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance; why not embrace this month as a celebration of love in all its forms, in whichever way you’d like to express it? Take this chance to reconnect with friends, family, and, most importantly, with yourself. Share heartfelt messages, spend quality time, and express gratitude for the love that surrounds you, which perhaps you haven’t prioritised for a while.

If you are entering this month in a relationship – whether a long-term one, or one just in its infancy – attitudes and expectations around Valentine’s can often be steeped in awkwardness. I can well remember countless cringey moments, over my years of dating and in relationships, once 14 February hovered into view. Here’s how you can navigate similar scenarios that might arise this year, to ensure Valentine’s Day is productive for your relationship:

Communicate and manage expectations. Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. In the lead-up to Valentine’s Day, have an open and honest conversation with your partner about what your views and expectations are, and in turn, listen to theirs. Discuss whether you want to celebrate with a grand gesture, or prefer a cosy night in. This will help prevent misunderstandings.

Plan thoughtful gestures. It’s the little things that truly do count, trust me. Have a think about how you can show your appreciation and love. How about breakfast in bed, a handwritten love letter, or a simple act of thoughtfulness and kindness? Remember, it’s not about

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