Caribbean dream

4 min read


TV chef Andi Oliver serves up an easy curry cîaickeh and a coconut and lime cheesecake bursting with the flavours of Antigua

Curry chicken

Simple, delicious, and a family staple, curry chicken is familiar and comforting. I love a second-day pot of curry. If you make a big enough pot of this recipe it will see you through a couple of mid-week dinners.

Serves 6-8


8 chicken thighs and/or legs, skin on and bone in

3 tbsp green seasoning (See tip for the recipe. It makes about 500ml and can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 weeks)

3 garlic cloves, finely grated

IScotch bonnet or a chilli of your choice, finely chopped

2 tbsp ghee or rapeseed (canola) oil

I large onion, diced

3 tbsp Caribbean curry powder

375ml chicken stock

2 tbsp chopped coriander (cilantro), to garnish


1 Wash the chicken in a solution made with water and a splash of lemon juice or white vinegar. This step is entirely optional, but it is considered key in Caribbean culture. Pat the meat dry with paper towels.

2 Place the chicken in a large bowl and add the green seasoning, salt, and half the garlic and chilli. Mix with your hands so the chicken is well coated. Marinate overnight in the fridge or for a minimum 30 minutes.

3 When you are ready to cook, set a large saucepan over a medium-high heat and add the ghee or oil. Sear the marinated chicken pieces until browned on all sides, then remove them from the pan to a plate and set aside.

4 Lower the heat to mediumlow, then add the onion and remaining garlic and chilli. Saute for 5 minutes until slightly softened. Add the curry powder and a splash of water - enough to form a paste. Gently cook for 2 minutes, being careful not to burn the spices.

5 Add the chicken back into the pan and stir, ensuring it is coated in the curry paste. Increase the heat to medium-high, add stock, cover and simmer for about 1hour until the chicken is cooked and tender.

6 Serve immediately, garnished with chopped coriander, alongside rice or bread of your choice.

Coconut &lime cheesecake

The first sweet things I ever made were cheesecakes - they provide endless opportunities to explore flavour and are easy-peasy! This particular iteration brings together the creaminess of white chocolate with toasty coconut and vibrant lime to sublime effect. Not too sweet, just right.

Serves 12


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