Summer days

2 min read

Let colourful pompoms bring joy into every corner of your life with this fun-to-knit summer bag

by Nicola Valiji

NOT TOO tricky!


Cast on 12 sts using 5mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (RS) Kfb, knit to last st, kfb. [14 sts] Row 2 P1, M1, purl to last st, M1, P1. [2 sts inc’d] Row 3 K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [2 sts inc’d] Rows 4 to 13 Rep Rows 2 and 3 five times. [38 sts] Rows 14 to 22 Starting on a WS purl row, work in st st.

Cast off.


Cast on 43 sts using 5mm needles and Yarn A.

Rows 1 to 4 Knit.

Rows 5 to 55 Starting on a WS purl row, work in st st.

Row 56 (Eyelets) K2, (yo, k2tog, K1) 13 times, K2.

Row 57 Purl.

Rows 58 to 62 Knit.

Cast off.


Cast on 38 sts using 5mm needles and Yarn A.

Rows 1 to 4 Knit.

Rows 5 to 57 Starting on a WS purl row, work in st st.

Rows 58 to 62 Knit.

Cast off.


Cast on 38 sts using 5mm needles and Yarn A.

Rows 1 to 4 Knit.

Row 5 (WS) K4, purl to last 4 sts, K4.

Row 6 Knit.

Rows 7 to 26 Rep Rows 5 and 6 ten times.

Row 27 Rep Row 5.

Row 28 K4, k2tog, knit to last 6 sts, k2tog, K4. [2 sts dec’d] Row 29 K4, p2tog, purl to last 6 sts, p2tog, K4. [2 sts dec’d] Rows 30 to 37 Rep Rows 28 and 29 four times. [18 sts] Rows 38 to 41 Knit.

Cast off.


Cast on 45 sts using 5mm needles and Yarn A.

Rows 1 to 4 Starting on a RS knit row, work in st st.

Cast off.


Cast on 8 sts using 5mm needles and Yarn A.

Work in garter st until Strap measures 61cm.

Cast off.


1 Join Front and Back tog at side seams on WS, leaving top and bottom open.

2 Place Base inside cast-on edges, on WS sew cast-off edge to Back, sew Front around remaining curve.

3 Place Flap at top of Back and sew into place.