Your stars for october

16 min read

Our in-house astrologer predicts what’s in store for you this month...


During October, Mercury turns direct into Virgo and Saturn turns into Capricorn on the 23rd day of the month. Wise decisions will lend some much-needed stability to our lives over this period, so don’t be surprised when ‘aha’ moments bring clarity into your field of view. In this time of flux and change, brighter stories are emerging. Pay attention to details, and you will push past stubborn obstacles. If you feel you’ve lost sight of your spiritual side, the solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th will inspire you to find a higher purpose and secrets will be revealed. Listen to your gut’s responses during this time and pay attention to your dreams as October ends, as they will help guide you. Use your intuition to ride your own waves of good fortune.

Happy Birthday, LIBRA!

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It will be when they are with others who are fully supportive of their efforts that Librans truly thrive the most. Making improvements to your home this Autumn will feel satisfying.


Famous Libra’s celebrating their birthday this month

Libras are best known for being social, charming and diplomatic.

Gwen Stefani 3rd October, 1969
Kate Winslet 5th October, 1975
Julie Andrews 1st October, 1935


21 March – 19/20 April

You won’t believe how good you feel about taking a more cautious and organised approach to life, relationships and your finances during the month ahead.


A close relationship will move in a new and very different direction. This could mark an essential step in your life. Determination and staying power will help you clear away past difficulties by offering you the insight to see ahead more clearly. Teamwork will go like a dream as you drum up all the support you need to get a long-term project moving. Everything is coming together beautifully now, and you’ll see that all along it was you holding yourself back.


There’s a strong chance you and a partner will enter a business agreement together.

A shared interest could well grow into a moneymaking enterprise. Ignore any interference that could come from people who have nothing to do with the situation. The only advice you should take is constructive recommendations. Extra money will come rolling in as the month ends.


You have some great ideas on how to bring about improvements to career and family affairs. Be sure to act on these. What will surprise you will be how willing everyone is to fall in with your plans. You may have been expecting to have to work hard to win others over, but instead, it’s going