Magic numbers

3 min read

Angel numbers offer us a glimpse into another world. Three experts point out why you should take note


Whether you’re just beginning to dip your toes into the world of spirituality, or you’re a seasoned pro when it comes to all things celestial, angel numbers are worth paying attention to. Not only can they guide you, but they can also give you a helpful nudge, steering you back onto your soul path and refocusing your alignment. Angel numbers often appear in groups, and they can pop up anywhere, from shopping receipts to your car number plates. Determining what the angels are trying to communicate to you can be tricky, but thankfully, our celestial experts are on hand to offer divine answers to your angelic questions.

Where can should I look for angel numbers?

“Angels are very clever at using numbers to get their message across,” says spiritual healer therapist, Jenny Smedley, author of Everyday Angels (Hay House; £7.99) and Angels Please Hear Me ( “If, after telling your angel that you want help finding a partner, a certain number starts to push itself into your life, take heed. For instance, you might find clocks stopping at the same time, or you might keep coincidentally arriving at the same time or your alarm clock might go off unexpectedly. In that case, start looking out for connections; you might see a likely lover with a car number plate that matches up, or someone might ask you the time when the same number is displayed on your digital watch. If this happens, your angels are nudging you in the right direction.”

What does the number 11 symbolise?

“The Angels of Awakening remind us of the significant power of numerology,” says Daisy Foss, an angel expert and founder of the Angels of Awakening Academy (

“Sometimes we use numbers, especially maths, to make sense of our lives. The angels love this secret number game as it becomes a code to translate and find the hidden meanings and messages the angels are trying to convey to us. 11 is a master number because it has recurring digits, its vibrational power is double one! What does it mean? Every number has an angelic spiritual meaning. The attributes of the number one are new beginnings, purity and new births. This vibrational power and frequency double to make an eleven, which an eleven, which symbolises equal male and female energies in separateness yet bringing in and representing the balance of the two. 11 is the angels’ number of equilibrium, love and light, sun and moon and it has also become to mean peace and serenity, so when there is a triple 11