Divination but not as you know it!

8 min read

It’s not just tarot cards and crystal balls that can help us seek knowledge of the future... discover more psychic methods here

Looking for some unusual ways to find out what the Universe wants to tell you? Beth Cooper Howell and Bruce Cooper dig into the history of fortune telling, and reveal some lesser-known methods you’re going to love...

Practised for thousands of years, divination was originally used in ancient times to determine the will of the gods. Thought to be a gift from the deities, it was considered an essential part of religion and medicine, and is as relevant and meaningful now, as it was to early man. It appeals to everyone from anxious teenagers seeking help with their troubled friendships and romantic relationships, to parents looking for confirmation that their families will remain healthy and well.

While some of the better known methods, such as runes, tarot cards, astrological horoscopes, numerology, dreams, palmistry and I Ching, generally tend to be the most common, in today’s experimental society, most of us are also keen to look for other solutions to our dilemmas. Some of the slightly rarer, quirkier, divination techniques are perfect for this. But, before we get to the nitty gritty; remember, when it comes to interpreting the messages you receive, the solutions you’re seeking are already within your heart. And, while something external – the shape of a certain cloud, for instance – might trigger a flow of useful insights leading to your answer, the wisdom you’re seeking ultimately resides with you, simply waiting to be unlocked. By awakening the magical potential within you, which is yours by birthright and has probably been lying dormant inside you for years, you’ll sharpen your intuition as you realise the true oracle is you!


ALEUROMANCY (divination with flour)

Taking its name from the Greek terms ‘aleuron’, meaning flour, and ‘mantela’, the word for divination, aleuromancy has been a popular form of fortune-telling for many centuries. It is also particularly useful for those seeking an answer to a particular dilemma. A celebrated food source – associated with a higher power and magic since time began – flour was often thrown onto fires by the Ancient Greeks, who would interpret the shapes, intensity and colours of the flames to gain deeper insights into their problems. Sadly, this form of fortune-telling has grown much less common over the years. However, predicting the future with bread remains a popular form of divination, and many people are known to write the ans