Goddess cards deck

6 min read

Our guest editor Elisabeth Brooke unboxes this issue's bonus card deck

How to use your

Worth £15 Collect and keep!

Hello everyone! I am a herbalist, therapist, astrologer and writer. My work has always been about empowering women. My main aim is to help women take control of their health, uncover women’s history and develop a more empowered spiritual practice. All of this matters because these issues have traditionally been neglected and this diminishes women’s power. Images and myths are especially important; they tell deep stories about how life is, and it was especially important for me to look at Greek mythology to tell women's story. Goddess astrology looks at both the Greek myths and astrology from female experience.

I love the goddess energy of these cards

When my special bonus deck arrived and I showed my 25-year-old daughter, she was so impressed that she ran off with them right away – so they were certainly a hit with her!

I believe the key message of these cards is all about our personal strength. They give hints, reminders and tools to find your inner power and express it too. This is so important as the world truly needs your awesomeness!


I like the idea of picking a card each day, just as a daily reminder and focus, but I also sometimes do a spread for the week ahead and leave it on my altar for me to look at over the days. When using any kind of divination, it is important it is done with respect. I keep my cards wrapped in a silk cloth inside a pouch or wooden box. You may also wish to expose them to cleansing lunar energy during the full moon. This can be particularly useful if you have done readings which brought up difficult emotions or energies. In addition to purifying, the light of the full moon also ‘charges’ them too (like a battery), and so helps to make their message clearer.

Sticking with lunar energy, you could also use the cards during a new or full moon ritual, alone or with friends. I burn a candle and light incense during these.

And don't forget you can use crystals alongside the cards, too – crystals are often an important part of divination and ritual. The crystal you choose depends on the ritual, but quartz is a good one to begin with as it boosts intuition and focus. Rose quartz is used for love, amethyst for clarity and increased intuition, hematite for willpower, self-confidence and protection, and moonstone for women’s intuition, goddess rituals and women’s mysteries. Tiger’s eye is good for self-confidence, courage and protection from harmful people, while malachite accelerates learning and karmic lesso